Enhance Your Health and Wellbeing with Our Holistic Treatments and Cooking Classes.
Join our practical cooking class and transform your health with delicious, plant-based recipes. Learn to make pickles and prepare a variety of nutritious food combinations. Discover the science behind how flavors, textures, and cooking styles impact your overall wellness. Enhance your vitality with our expert guidance on energizing and cleansing your body.
Discover the correct foods for your body and why they matter.
Learn simple ways to reset your natural balance using the energy dynamics of foods.
Find out which foods strengthen kidneys, improve gut health, cleanse the liver, and promote weight loss.
Bring balance to your culinary creations with our expert guidance.
David Clark, author of 'Inspiring Organics' cook book is a leader in holistic science and nutrtion. "When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need."
Together lets make healthy balanced foods, enjoyable and fun.
Ampuku is a traditional Japanese abdominal treatment designed to balance and rejuvenate gut organs. This holistic therapeutic massage complements other massage styles, including Thai, Chinese, Swedish, Shiatsu, and sports massage. Experience the rejuvenating effects of Ampuku alongside your preferred massage techniques for optimal health and wellness.
Anatomy and physiology including function and healing.
Diagnosis, treatment, and application of the heated salt pack.
Kyo, jitsu, yin and yang.
Practical ampuku massage techniques.
This is a certified course run by the International School of Systemic Health by David Clark.
Shiatsu is a holistic massage technique focused on balancing body energy. Traditionally performed on a futon, Shiatsu has been adapted by David for use in massage, beauty clinics, and spa studios. Now, enjoy the benefits of Shiatsu on your massage bed, seamlessly integrated with your preferred massage style.
Oriental diagnosis.
Yin and Yang.
Kyo and Jitsu (energy) balance.
Tsubo (acupuncture points) location.
Meridian (energy pathways) location and treatment.
Discover the Intricate Meridian System, Mapping the Crucial 12 Body Systems.
The kidney ginger compress is a popular massage technique using hot towels on the lower back to increase blood circulation to the kidneys. This treatment, favored by many clients, includes a full-body massage combined with the warming and energizing effects of the compress. Experience a boost to your health and wellbeing with this rejuvenating treatment.
Kidney Compress Massage theory includes yin/yang and kyo/jitsu body energy dynamics.
Principles of kidney compress massage - location and indications of tsubo pressure points.
Forms of diagnosis.
Diagnosis, treatment and application of the ginger compress.
Food Science to revitalize kidneys and enhance overall health.
Ethics of professional practice.
"Nourish Your Body, Empower Your Kidneys: Unlock the Secrets of Food Science for Optimal Health and Wellbeing. Let's Energize, Heal, and Strengthen Together!
Treatments and classes are by appointment only.
Treatments and classes are by appointment only.
Free Parking available on site
Treatments and classes are by appointment only.
Phone: 021 936 001
Email: david@davidclark.co.nz
Phone: 021 936 001 Email: david@davidclark.co.nz
Phone: 021 936 001
Email: david@davidclark.co.nz